Embracing the Waiting Season.

 Dear Friends,

Waiting is hard but not impossible. Be it a job, a spouse or that big break. The waiting period can seem very long and tiring. 

In the process of waiting, you may find yourself cursing at your lack of skill to do things as fast as your mates might be doing theirs. You may fall into depression for fear that others you started out with seem to be leaving you behind. You may even question your existence and God's love for you. 

These attitudes are not ideal to overcome the waiting season. You must first understand that it is called a waiting season for a reason, because it surely has an end and more importantly that it is not yet your turn to be graced with what you have being praying for. The only sad part is that if you are too focused on the wait, you will never remember that it does have an end.

I advice you dear friend to wait with intentionality. Yes! waiting with intentionality is choosing to make joy out of this painfully slow season. You may ask how does one become intentional in this period. The answer is to focus on yourself as an individual. 

This is a great moment to focus on who you are or are striving to be. What are the weaknesses you battle? The waiting season is a good period to work on your weaknesses. Perhaps you are the impatient type or a procrastinator.

Use this moment to work on these flaws. This is a good period to identify the things that make you anxious or that leave you postponing activities till the very last minute. Find ways to get yourself out of such habits. It may require you to go into therapy to meet with a counsellor. It may require you to get an accountability partner who puts you on toes, so you are accountable with your time and feelings. These are all healthy ways to work on yourself in the waiting period. 

You must also learn to boldly affirm yourself in the waiting period. You should wake up every morning reminding yourself and the universe that you are awesome and are more than enough to change the world. Even at the end of the day, affirm yourself and applaud you, for how far you have come. Cheer yourself for being consistent and for picking up yourself even when you might have made many mistakes along the way.

The waiting period is the time to stay grateful for YOU. You must understand that the waiting period is about you and for you, so you must give room for a lot of self reflection and personal development. So that when this season is over, you can be the better for it and you can in turn be a blessing to the people around you.

Love and Light!
Francisca Okwulehie


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