Avoid Comparison!


Many of us are walking about without a knowledge of who we are. You may wonder how possible it is. Well, it is very possible. A number of us are walking about with no true affirmation of our own existence. This is because we have subjected ourselves to too much torture caused by comparison.

We are not happy neither are we satisfied with the life we have. We admire other people's lives and desire that the lives they live belong to us. This longing has left us feeling empty time after time.

We adore other people's highlights especially on social media and we subject ourselves to a lot of scrutiny. We ask many questions like; 

"Why am I not tall and fashionable as her?"

"How does she have so much money?"

"Why is it that he seems to be buying a new car every other week?"

"What is he doing right that am doing wrong?"

"When will my big break come?"

All of these never ending questions continue to torment us, leaving a huge gap, a profound emptiness within us that makes us lose the little sense of worth we have left.

Comparison is a thief of joy. It has no good intentions when it is entertained in the mind. It's mission is to wreck havoc. Leaving the host desolate and unmotivated.

The moment you notice you are beginning to hold many comparison induced thoughts it is time to cut off the supply of whatever is feeding you with this negativity. It is time to take stock of your daily activities where you spend the most time or the people you surround yourself with.

In the cause of this inventory, it is important to be honest with yourself. If anything or anyone you spend minutes with or around brings you a few minutes of happiness and many hours of insomnia, choose to be decisive and do away with it.

You deserve to be in spaces, places and around people that enrich you and remind you of all the amazing attributes you posses. You too have a life that is interesting and worth emulating. You just need to water you more.

Love and Light
- Francisca Ogechi Okwulehie


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