Be Thankful!

Two days ago, I was really down, under the weather with a severe case of dsymenorhea like every other month. In that state of weakness, I was totally useless to myself and to those around me. It was a temporary phase I knew, but I was unhappy about my inability to function properly as the rest of other able bodied people at that time.

My illhealth made me appreciate good health and wellness. It made me see how much, I, like almost every other person takes for granted wholeness of life and living.

It sent me thinking about all those down with different illnesses in the hospitals or those doagonsed with Covid-19. I realised that the greatest gift of life was living and this could only be appreciated by living in a state of gratitude.

I woke up this morning and I am thankful for life once again, not because I am a lot better in health, but because I have been given another opportunity by the creator to make a meaning of my life and essence.

Thankfulness, thus becomes an attitude I choose to live by. A dictum to stand by and a disposition to dwell in at all times.

Be thankful!


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