PART 4; The Proposal

My birthday had been on a serene Friday in September, I was going to turn twenty five. I had planned not to celebrate it, even when Oyinna asked a month ahead how I intended to spend the day. I was jobless and unhappy, at twenty five I expected many things to have fallen in place since I started out early with many self help jobs.

 Two years after service I was unemployed, not in a relationship, but was just a bloody freelance journalist. It was enough reason to say there was no use celebrating my birthday. And so three weeks to my birthday, Oyinna called me on the phone one Sunday afternoon asking me to help give him an idea on how to spin a surprise birthday party for the new girl he met. I was elated, for me, it meant that my friend had found love somewhere and I was more than willing to be of help.

 He told how he wanted the party to take the form of a dinner as it would involve selected friends of  his lady and a few members of her family. I saw the attention and detail he gave to this planning that somewhere secretly within me I began to feel bad that I would lose my best friend to this mystery  lady who had captured his heart.

 Nevertheless, I still aided him in planning the most affectionate dinner of the year which co-incidentally as he said was on the same day as my birthday. There were many questions I wanted to ask him, like, when did you meet her and why did you not tell me about her, and realized that those questions may reek of jealousy and unhappiness towards his new found joy.

 He begged that I attend the dinner since I had said initially that I had no plans for my birthday; and because he had been a good friend and was an adorable person,  I decided to spend my birthday evening at this dinner we both had planned.

Part 4 Continued...
The Proposal
(C) Francisca Okwulehie 2017


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